
Friday 7 October 2016

ShortSendiri- Process to making pinhole

I'm going to experience the Process to making pinhole
    A pinhole camera is a small, light-tight can or box with black interior and tiny hole in the centre of one. By using common household materials. Now i will show you the steps to making pinhole.

 1)   Preparing tin, thumb tack, scissors, black tape, cardboard.
 2)   Remove the top of soda tin by scissors and using black tape to tape up the sharp part.(prevent cuts by sharp part)

 3)   Make the cover of that tin with black paper and cardboard,  then tape it on the outside to prevent light enter the tin.

 4)   Make the cover of that tin with black paper and cardboard,  then tape it on the outside to prevent light enter the tin.
 5)   Cover the hole by black tape.
 6)   The pinhole is completely.

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